
Showing posts from November, 2021

Exercise Is Necessary For Pain Management

 For many years, it was believed that people with arthritis or bone and joint pain should not exercise for fear of exacerbating the problem. Many older adults experience arthritis from general wear and tear or repetitive movements. Sometimes, arthritis can develop from past joint injuries that never healed properly. Arthritis can be very painful to the point of not wanting to move or perform activities of daily living. As the health and wellness industry began to learn more about arthritis, it found that decreasing your activity does not alleviate pain due to arthritis. What was actually found was that strengthening your muscles not only helped alleviate pain due to arthritis but actually discovered something known as Wolff's Law. Wolf's Law states "a bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed." (Wolff's Law) Simply stated, in healthy people, strengthening your muscles can strengthen your bones. As a Personal Trainer, I h...